
Sunday, November 02, 2014

Not Quite What I Was Shopping For

But that's okay. If I can back five quilts for twenty-seven bucks, I'm not going to complain! Especially not since two or three of those quilts are ones that I'm currently working on and actually needed backing for.

We'd gone to the thrift store looking for flannel shirts to finish off the Halloween costumes. I was not looking for fabric. It was the ongoing quest for hot iron transfers that made me detour to that end of the store.

I will never ever understand how thrift stores price things. They had fat quarters and half yard cuts for $1.99 and these pieces, ranging from four to six yards, for $6.99 and $9.99. The biggest piece of yardage was the least expensive one. They're all from Joann's, so it's not a difference in fabric quality.

And, since Teenage Daughter's Halloween costume used up the last of my muslin, I broke down and bought another bolt. Better to have it on this year's numbers than next years, I suppose.

Weekly Stash Report 

Fabric Used this Week: 0 yards
Fabric Used year to Date: 17 1/2 yards
Added this Week: 44 yards
Added Year to Date: 102 3/4 yards
Net Added for 2014: 85 1/4 yards

Yarn Used this Week:  100 yards
Yarn Used year to Date: 6675 yards
Yarn Added this Week: 0 yards
Yarn Added Year to Date: 4210 yards
Net Used for 2014: 2465 yards


  1. They certainly aren't unattractive lengths of fabric to use as backings! Good find. I always buy my muslin by the bolt. I hate to run out. Up here, pretty much everything I need, I have to bring with me from the states.

  2. Awesome find. I would have snapped them up!!

  3. Lucky you! Wish folks around here would donate fabric to the thrift store!

  4. Its hard to pass up that kind of bargain. Hopefully that yardage will be going right back out again soon.

  5. I need to do some serious thrift store shopping. I actually have a list of things to get. One of these days I actually will get out and hunt in a couple of thrift stores. Love the backings. Your yarn stash numbers is impressive. This past week I added to both the yarn stash and the fabric stash... oh great!
