
Monday, September 15, 2014

It's hot!

Not quite "no choice but pack the kids up and haul 'em down to the river" hot, but hot enough to put a crimp in my sewing plans. If I spend any time at all next to the iron, I'll make myself sick.

So I put together the Cheddar Bow-Ties that  I cut last week. There are about a dozen and I'll press them when it's a bit cooler, either early in the morning or late at night.

I'm linking up to Design Wall Monday at Patchwork Times.


  1. Fall has arrived in Indiana, cool and crisp. Playing in the river sounds like fun. Reminds me of my younger days. Great memories for your little ones, sewing can wait I suppose.

  2. It's hot here too! Love the cheddar:)
