
Saturday, September 27, 2014

Bathtime Buddies

I don't crochet. Not yet. It's on the loooong list of things I'm going to make time to learn, someday, when nothing else is exerting a stronger pull.

Bathtime Buddies: 20 Crocheted Animals from the Sea is one of those books that gives me a strong kick in that direction. The pieces are crocheted from cotton and stuffed with bits of sponge to make it easy to squeeze out the water after bath time is over. And they're adorable. 

I love the variety! In addition to the ususal ocean critters, there's an angler fish and a narwhale and a hammerhead shark....and the diver with his wonderful helmet! I love his expression. 

Disclosure - Martingale provided me with an electronic ARC

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