
Sunday, August 24, 2014

I don't know whether to laugh or cry...

Last month, I sent Teenage Daughter up to the sewing room to see if my hot iron transfers were in the steamer trunk. She came back with a handful of vintage Aunt Martha's envelopes that I'd swear I'd never seen before.

A couple of weeks later, I went up and found a big Ziploc bag of transfers...but those were on a different type of paper and again, I'd never seen them before. (That alphabet set is so cute I'd remember it!)

The next time I went up there to look for something, I didn't find any transfers, but I did find what I'm pretty sure was a black widow. (It's an old farmhouse thing.)

It's starting to drive me nuts. Between Mom's stash and the online freebies, I've got all sorts of nifty stuff to embroider, but I want my stuff! I went through every drawer of the steamer trunk and every drawer of the old white dresser and all of the plastic drawers, although I was sure it wasn't in them...and the cedar chest, because I sometimes put things in there for safekeeping.

They weren't in the cedar chest. But I did find these --

The Aunt Martha's bears and chicks are unopened and from the 1950s. I really like the chicks, but I'm not sure if I should open them up or not.

The Vogart Playful Kittens are cute -- and already opened so I don't have that to obsess over. One has spilled a cup, one broke a dish...and one (second from the left in the top row) seems to have stepped on a fork and hurt himself.

These, I don't quite get. They're in color, so I guess they were for gals who want to gussy up their flour sack towels without doing much actual work?

I'm starting to run out of places to look.  But I'm not going to give up quite yet.

Weekly Stash Report 

Fabric Used this Week: 0 yards
Fabric Used year to Date: 17 1/2 yards
Added this Week: 0 yards
Added Year to Date: 48 yards
Net Added for 2014: 30 1/2 yards

Yarn Used this Week:  400 yards
Yarn Used year to Date: 5075 yards
Yarn Added this Week: 0 yards
Yarn Added Year to Date: 2610 yards
Net Used for 2014: 2465 yards

I'm linking up with Judy at Patchwork Times.


  1. What a fun find (even though they aren't what you're looking for!) Not the black widow...yuck!

  2. Michelle, I have found the Aunt Martha patterns at my local Walmart, in one of the side aisles near the fabric aisle. They always seem to have a good selection, and include the 1950's cutsie ones that are so adorable. The best part? Aunt Martha seems to holding fast to prices from decades and decades ago. Now if I could only manage to traqnsfer them by iron without "smushing" the lines....

  3. Don't you know that you will find what you want when you are looking for something else and it will be in the most obvious location? TeeHee I have found this to be quilter's law!! LOL What fun to stumble across the unexpected finds.
