
Monday, September 23, 2013

how things become UFOs

There are all kind of reasons why things become UFOs. This one can claim at least three of them -- I wasn't sure what to do next, then I lost it, then it was too big for the room...

First,  I didn't know what I wanted to do with the borders.  One of my readers came up with the perfect idea, but then I had a bit of trouble with the math. (The math is easy. Really easy. I just didn't see that at the time.) Once I got the math straight, I couldn't remember how many snowball blocks I'd made. So it sat. And then it sat some more.

When I found the time and inspiration to count the snowball blocks, I only needed one more. But I couldn't remember where I'd put the rest of the background fabric (which is a vintage sheet, so there's no matching that light blue).  Found the fabric, but couldn't remember where I'd put the folded top...

Found all of it, including squares that were already cut for that last snowball blocks and put off  assembling the borders because the whole thing is too big for my biggest patch of floor...

And I think the biggest reason I've put off adding the borders to this top is that I know it's going to take time to quilt it. I want to do a different free motion pattern in each of the turtles, and tight stippling on the light blue spaces in between them...and then I've got to figure out a plan for that border... Did I mention that I don't really have enough floor space to pin baste it properly?  I think I'm going to take it up and baste it on Mom's longarm, but that means scheduling and afternoon to do it...

At least the whole thing is together and I can't lost any more pieces. Except for the backing. I accidentally used a yard of that to back Peter. And of course there was no more to be had, even a week after I'd bought it.

This post is linked to Design Wall Monday over at Patchwork Times and I Gotta Try That!


  1. Wow. Those poor turtles must thing that there isn't anything you won't do to make them into a quilt. ;-) Your turtles look great and I love the idea of a small snowball border.

  2. I know how the WIP saga goes, very well! Your quilt top looks great and I predict that it will not be a WIP for much longer!

  3. Glad to hear you've got the top together.

  4. Glad you finished the top! I love this turtle top!

  5. Looks beautiful and glad you got the top done! Thanks for sharing.
    Freemotion by the River Linky Party Tuesday

  6. wow that sounds familiar! I have one that i didn't do the math right and ran out of the binding.... will i just use a different fabric for the binding, nooo... lol its sitting the ufo pile! I love the turtles by the way!

  7. I bought a baby Go and the drunkard's path die because of this quilt! My turtles will be babies compared to yours in size. You are an inspiration!
