
Monday, June 24, 2013

Yesterday's News / Threads of Yesterday


Antique dealer Anna Yesterday pries open the stuck drawer of an old  dresser and finds a yellowed scrap of newspaper with singed edges.  She's never heard anything about the rape and suicide covered in the article, so she starts asking questions, questions which the men who worked so desperately to hide the event when it happened don't want answered now.

Did I mention that the antique shop is haunted by a saloon girl and a cowboy? I absolutely loved Yesterday's News. It's one of those books that plunges you into the characters' world and leaves you a bit sad when there's no more to read.

Happily, I had Threads of Yesterday loaded on my Kindle and ready to read as soon as I'd clicked the last page of Yesterday's News.  In this one, the story is more about the ghosts. Anna has purchased some antique dresses from a local museum and both the living and the dead want them.  There were a couple of minor little details  (an error with dates and a character's name) in this one that jolted me out of the story. Things I would never have noticed if the rest of the book wasn't so good.

Disclosure -- I was provided with review copies of both books by Cozy Mystery Book Tours so that  I could participate in the tour.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for reviewing the books, Michelle! I'm really glad you enjoyed them. I've enjoyed checking out your site too! It's been a while since I did any quilting. Looking at all the beautiful work you've done makes me want to get back to it!
