
Thursday, June 06, 2013

planning more ambitious scrap quilts

This quilt with the scrappy hearts was one of the first baby quilts I made, and it's still one of my favorites. I gave it to a pregnant friend and then threatened to steal it back if she hung it on the nursery wall instead of using it.... Not long ago,  I visited their house and saw it wedged in the cushions of a chair, where I assume one of her little ones had been using it. It gave me a warm and fuzzy feeling that my little utility quilt was being used exactly the way I'd hoped it would be.

The pattern came from my stash of old magazines (sorry, but I didn't keep track of the name or issue.) This version used 2 1/2" squares. I've also made one with a blue background and border, and a third version using 3" pink squares.  And it's always been the plan to make a big one for myself to keep.

Somewhere along the line, I decided to see how small I could make those hearts. I think this is the limit, if I'm going to make a quilt that's large enough to snuggle up in.

Here it is again with my rotary cutter for size comparison. The squares are cut at 1 1/2", and the heart block should finish at 5" square.  The cutting will take forever, but it's going to be a great way to use up some tiny strings and scraps. I've been cutting everything that's small enough into strips for the Lego quilt, so it'll be easy enough to trim of squares for this quilt at the same time.
These scrappy quilts with the itty bitty pieces are my absolute favorite!


  1. Great quilt. Good luck on your! You will love it when it is finished.

  2. I make the same threat when I give a baby or child's quilt as a gift! No matter how pretty it is I want it used as a fort and a picnic blanket, as comfort when a child is sick or scared and as a lovey when the child just needs comfort. Let them wear it out, I say! That's what they are for, isn't it? To be used and loved. Your heart one is very pretty.

  3. I love that quilt! I made one here:

    for a little girl in need of a heart and I could not recall where I had seen the original one so thank you for posting about it again. I went back and edited my post to include a link to you. Mine was very bright to incorporate her favorite colors, but I love the pattern and I know I will be making it again.

  4. Love this! Scrappy hearts, with scrappy nine patches in between - great idea!
