
Friday, August 17, 2012

on my needles -- a bat and a bee

More little Halloween hats for the NICU!

The orange hat the is the Basic Beanie from Warm Hats for Wee Noggins. I love that textured knit pom pom! She also uses it on the stocking caps in the book, which I seem to be steadily knitting my way through. I found the instructions for the garter stitch bat over at Natural Suburbia

The bee is a free pattern from Creative Knitting. I love those little antennae and plan to knit more little bug hats in different colors, but I think I'll use the Basic Beanie pattern so that I can vary the sizes a bit.

This post is linked to on the needles at Patchwork Times and Show and Tell Saturday at be different act normal.


  1. Those hats are so cute! Thanks for the link for the free pattern. I might have to find some yarn and knit up one or two to donate.

  2. These are really cute! Well done! We'd love if you'd link up to our Countdown to Fall link party! Hope to see you there! Happy weekend!

  3. These are soooo sweet!!
    Noggins...haven't heard that word in awhile ;)
    Thanks so much for linking up at I Gotta Create! <3 Christina
