
Friday, May 04, 2012

the best motivation I've had in a while

I haven't been working on the sewing room since the first part of my root canal, because I'm having just a little bit of a pity party here. Since it's the second root canal on the same tooth in just over a year and the tooth may still have to be extracted if this doesn't work... The whole process is making me a bit cranky. And also very grateful that, even if this isn't exactly in the budget, I know we're going to get it taken care of.

During the time that I haven't been cleaning the sewing room, I've been sorting and cutting scraps for a few different projects, getting ready so that I'll have something to sew when the weather warms up and it's too hot to be using the iron in the middle of the afternoon. Or something like that. It could be that I'm in a cutting sort of mood.

Did you see Bonnie's blog post over at Quiltville today?! I knew I was saving up for her upcoming book, but now I don't think I can wait until July. I've been planning a bed size Devil's Claw quilt for a couple of years now....then lost the magazine with the pattern I wanted to use....and now I don't care. THIS is the quilt I've gotta make.

There probably aren't enough red scraps left in my stash (that's what happens when you make quilts -- fabric gets used up, darnit!) I've got lots of green, all in one place, and the brown I was going to use for the original Devil's Claw plan...this is great incentive to get back out to the sewing room and dig through the rest of that fabric.


  1. Good for you! And yes, I did see her post today and I completely understand the motivation! Sorry you're having trouble with a tooth...I know firsthand how incredibly irritating that is! :)

  2. I hope your tooth is ok! Have fun digging through your stash :)

  3. I would need something to distract me from the root canal. Two?? That is not fair!!!

  4. The only time a dentist wanted me to have a root canal I told him to just pull it...$85 v. ?$$$? I'll be looking forward to seeing your Devil's Claw quilt.

  5. You have my complete empathy for your tooth problems. I had extensive dental work done this past year, too, and it's not fun. Not at all.

    But I really enjoy seeing what you're doing with your quilts!
