
Sunday, March 04, 2012

weekly stash report

Teenage Girl has been skulking through the house with a cold all week and now she seems to have passed it on to me. I don't have time to be sick right now. Not that the germs seem to care.

For the past two months, I've been tossing trimmings of fabric that are too small for anything into the big metal waste basket in my sewing corner. This morning I emptied and weighed it.

Why weigh it? Because I knew there was a lot of fabric in there that didn't get count as used up in quilts, but should be counted somewhere because it was leaving the house.

Ten yards. I need to make a category for fabric that's not quite used or tossed. Because that's going to add up.

Weekly Stash Report

Fabric Used this Week: .5 yard
Fabric Used year to Date: 15 yards
Added this Week: 21.75 yards
Added Year to Date: 49.75 yards
Net Added for 2012: 34.75 yards

To see more weekly stash reports, click over to Patchwork Times.


  1. You are part of the fabric that came in that is not counted as going out.

  2. I agree with Charlene!

  3. I use tiny thin strips like that for cards. I glue them down with a glue stick then run the sewing machine over the paper. I'll take them if you're going to throw them away. :)

  4. You know what I wish? That we could *fondle* (which sounds creepy, but I totally mean it in a love-fabric kind of way) all the new stash added for the folks that reported each week. Can't we develop a widget for that or something?!? :)

    And next year? I'm not going with yardage -- I'm reporting pounds! LOL!! :)
