
Sunday, December 18, 2011

eight days left?!?!

Look at this post of antique mall eye candy over at Quiltville. I'm loving those Christmas stockings, even though the whole idea of cutter quilts makes me a little sad. As a last hope for quilts that only have a couple of good bits left, maybe...but I have this sad feeling that some people cutting up old quilts to make things to sell might be using quilts that still have some life in them. They do own the quilts and they can do what they want to with them...and it really is better than giving up on them entirely and tossing them in the dumpster. I'm going to keep having mixed feelings about this one.

So because I don't like the idea of cutter quilts, I'm thinking of making some little quilted sections to make stockings of my own. I think I might want to make every antique quilt Bonnie has ever posted pictures of. Someone please tell me not to even think about that too hard until long after Christmas. I just looked at the calendar and did the math and realized that I'm in serious trouble here!

Weekly Stash Report

No fabric to report as used this week, but I've been working on one big project all week. That Jelly Roll I showed you on Monday is now a finished quilt top.

Fabric Used this Week: 0 yards
Fabric Used year to Date: 82.25 yards
Added this Week: 1 yards
Added Year to Date: 1024 1/2 yards
Net Added for 2011: 942.25 yards

Yarn Used this Week: 0 yards
Yarn Used year to Date: 6640 yards
Yarn Added this Week: 0 yards
Yarn Added Year to Date: 14525 yards
Net Added for 2011: 7885 yards

1 comment:

  1. Those stockings were cute, weren't they? But I have to agree. I'd be more tempted to pieces small blocks to make my own that way. I don't think I could cut into a quilt. Nope, just couldn't do it! :)
