
Monday, August 01, 2011

Design Wall Monday

I've spent the morning excavating my sewing corner in an effort to make it look better and find the blocks I wanted to use for my Monday design wall post. Turned out the blocks were out in the sewing room.

Did I mention that I can go up and down the stairs now? I have to go slowly, and remember to step up with my good leg, but I can manage it once or twice a day.

It's been three and a half years since I started this project, probably at least three years since I last worked on it.

And I do still want a large version of this quilt, but I don't want to try to make blocks with the scraps I have now that will go with the scraps I had then. I'm sure that I could, but it's not going to happen.

If I finish the quilt with the blocks I have now it'll be 48" square, a decent size for the little guys. All I need to do is find some matching white fabric for the sashing -- not as easy as it sounds, since those white center blocks aren't quite white and have an odd texture. I think I'll be better off taking the blocks apart and replacing it. One way or the other, getting this top done is my project for the week.

I've also got a finish to show off. I found the pattern for this little tree online and had some green scraps and decided to give it a try. Then I liked the tree so much I decided to use it as the center of something bigger. How can a two afternoon experiment turn into what feels like a big commitment?

Now that it's done, I'm very happy with it the way it is. I can always make another tree when and if I decide to tackle that bigger project I dreamed up.

To see the rest of the Design Wall Monday posts, click over to Patchwork Times.

Patchwork Times


  1. Hallo Michelle
    I'm your neweset follower. Found you somewhere near my own name on the list at the Wantobe quilter campaign.
    Great work on the christmas tree. I've been thinking about to make one myself.

  2. Hey Michelle...Don't rip them out!! Just add a blue for sashing or a different color...maybe white corner stones. You could add an applique using your GO! to the center white blocks. How about stars or hearts or flowers? That sound fun and the perfect baby quilt...Jo

  3. Oh don't take the blocks apart. If you use another white for all the sashing it will fit. It is scrappy so it will be perfect.

  4. Ripping all those blocks apart seems like a huge task. Surely you have something that is close enough? That's why they say perfection is the enemy of good enough. The tree is amazing. It would make an adorable wall hanging.

  5. The tree is really cute.
    I agree with the others - DO NOT rip those other blocks apart, sash with something different. Maybe a soft blue or yellow, or even a totally different white. It IS a scrappy afterall :)

  6. Nice quilts! I can relate to it taking years to complete something because you haven't touched it in years. I have a few quilts like that myself.

  7. I love your Christmas tree wallhanging...simple. Thanks for sharing at Tuesday Archives this week!! :) V

  8. Love the Christmas tree.
