
Saturday, May 07, 2011

Wedged Circles

It's not like there aren't enough different Drunkard's Path layouts to keep me occupied for the next few years, but I was daydreaming about my die and trying to figure out what else I could do with it, which led to lying awake at night and wondering if my idea would actually work...

It did.

To make your own circle with wedges, start with two half square triangles. Because I want to keep things totally random, I cut 7" squares of scrap fabric, then cut them on the diagonal and matched them up for each block.

Lay your square on the die so that the diagonal line goes through the right angle. Trust me, that part is important. Don't layer your good fabric until you're sure you have it right.

If I wanted to make sure my wedges were perfectly even, I'd draw a diagonal line on the die to line up the pieced square with. Eyeballing it has worked for me.

Once you've got the wedges cut, it goes together just like a regular Drunkard's Path block.

As much as I love my wedges, they're not right for the quilt I had in mind, so I'll be trying something else soon. And I'll post pictures of that one, too, if it works the way I hope it will.

1 comment:

  1. neat idea, i have made crumb pieces and cut the circle shape, love that look too.
