
Saturday, January 02, 2010

plans and more plans for 2010

Back in June, I listed all of the WIPs that came to mind while I was sitting in the van waiting for my husband to finish grocery shopping. Of those twenty-five projects, all but two are now finished. I've decided that lists can be useful, so here's a brand new one to start the new year with --

projects to finish soon
Marilyn Apron (half done)
Short Row Ribbed Scarf
Mindy's Quilt (just needs binding)
My Log Cabin (half quilted)
My Fun With Bricks (ready to pin baste and quilt)
4 baby quilts
applique flower quilt (needs binding)

other wips
scrappy cats
lover's knots
courthouse steps
2" scrappy squares

tops to quilt
Irish chain
bento box
sparkling gems
30s buzz cake
blue fun with bricks baby quilt
Chinese coins baby quilt
stained glass window

bow ties
Shenandoah log cabin
Shakespeare in the park
devil's claw
pointy butterflies
yellow quilt
burgoyne surrounded
north pacific
double hourglasses
scrappy pineapple
grandma's donuts

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