
Monday, November 09, 2009

I've been playing with fabric, having too much fun with my limited time to drag out the camera and take pictures. Without pictures of what I'm up to, it didn't seem worth writing and trying to explain.... so it's been a while since my last entry.

This is the one I wrote about last time, all assembled and quilted. It still needs a binding, but it's mostly done.

And this is the one I started cutting little squares for before the basket blocks were finished. I found the pattern in a book about vintage fabrics and it was similar to another quilt pattern I'd been too intimidated to try (hundreds of 2 5/8" inch squares? -- not a chance. I'm at least using a measurement that's marked on my rulers!)

This is the most applique I've ever done on a quilt, just fusible and machine zig-zag around the edges, but I love the way it came out. I can do this! My next new project is going to be that butterfly quilt I've been thinking about since I first started quilting.

The little squares, all five hundred of them, went together much faster than I would've imagined possible. The real fun started when I trimmed them to put the whiter border on and left myself with a zillion bias edges. The whole top shifted every time I looked in it's direction. So I got it pinned and quilted densely enough that it isn't going ANYWHERE.

I got both quilts (except for bindings) done start to finish in just over two weeks. I almost never do a quilt start to finish without working on something else, let alone two in a row.

Now I've got the replacement rail fence to finish piecing, and butterflies to trace and cut, and a hundred and some snowballs to make out of my Root of the Madder fat quarters...


  1. Great looking quilts! Also saw your post about Scrap Basket Quilts. I just got that book last Sunday at Joann's and can't wait to make a quilt or two from it.

  2. Oooooh, GORGEOUS!...

    --AlisonH at

  3. These are both absolutely gorgeous! I can't see well enough, but what type fabrics are they? Small calicos? I think the colors make them just as pretty as the patterns. You have inspired me! Maybe oneday I will be able to do something this beautiful also!
