
Monday, December 29, 2008

Wow, this thing went together fast! I thought I might be able to finish before the end of 2008 if I really worked at it, but the whole thing went together in two short early mornings.

Blue Bargello

Try to ignore the little boy in the background -- this is the only shot I managed where one wasn't running in front of the quilt!

All of the quilters around me have been wanting to try a bargello quilt -- everyone but me. Then I saw the Scrappy Bargello pattern at Quiltville and fell in love with the quilt at the top of the page and started pulling out fabric.

There was a lot of blue and a little bit of green in the first bag I grabbed, so I wound up with a blue quilt. Not much of this was planned out, except for the dark blue -- and that's the color I don't like in the finished quilt! If I was doing it again, I'd add more dark strips or leave them out entirely. One of the lighter fabrics has a cream background and those strips kept jumping out at me every time I got the dark blue positioned the way I wanted it.

I'm considering this quilt a near miss. It came out better than I expected considering my total lack of planning, but if it wasn't for those two or three dark and cream fabrics, I think I'd absolutely love it.

I definitely have to make a huge scrappy one like the one in the top picture!


  1. Found your blog through the quiltville list. I love that Bargello too..I did one but is a ton of colors from Bonnie's patterns. They are addicting!

  2. I found you through your post on Quiltville and thought I would check out the quilt!! Girl you should love every bit of it! You got the colors exactly right! Great placement. You as the quilter are never pleased with the results but us the viewer can honestly tell you when you have it right! And you do! excellent eye~! Keep up the great work!!

  3. I made Bonnie's bargello but in a monotone of pinks, everything in my pink stash. Turned out terrific & it was fairly large but not as fast as I thought it would be.
    Yours is pretty- I'd like to try one all scrappy.

  4. Hi Michelle, The darks and lights give your quilt sparkle!! I wouldn't change a thing. If things are too matched up, they tend to look blah, don't you think? Especially in scrap quilts.

  5. Hi Michelle,

    I also found your blog through and I have to say, I LOVE the dark pieces in the quilt! They add a punch that wouldn't be there if they were all the same.

    I have a hard time with "scrappy" and you make it look easy, and inspiring!

    Love your quilts!

    Connie - Boise, ID
