
Wednesday, March 09, 2005

I've stumbled onto the ultimate weight loss secret -- the Patternworks catalog! I propped it over the console of the eliptical tonight and, instead of spending the next twenty minutes staring at the timer and wondering when I could get off the thing and go home, I stared at pictures of gorgeous yarn with names like Beach Glass and Love Potion. The time flew, even though I think the thing was set to a harder level than I'm used to (gotta flag down one of the physical therapists and figure out what it should be set at and how to get it that way) and I'd already flipped through most of the catalog. I feel so good! My next challenge is getting myself on enough yarn catalogs to keep my imagination fired up three times a week. Let's see....I've got Woodland Woolworks, Halycon, Knit Picks.... Wonder who else I can request them from.

And, speaking of the wonderful stuff in Patternworks -- there's a jacket that goes with the suede hat and booties. Now I REALLY wish I'd bought more of the suede when it was on clearance!

1 comment:

  1. oh, that set is adorable! i'd already fallen in love with the hat and booties, but the jacket...that really makes it! another thing to add to the list...
    glad you had a good workout! :-)
